Erin Sweeney

is an experimental curatorial endeavour that asks the inhabitants of a city, beginning with Cape Town, South Africa, to return to memory filled public spaces and stop, remember and mark them with stickers describing milestones in romantic relationships.

we met here

we touched here

we fell in love here

we said goodbye here

 The project is about a processual dynamic between the sticker-placers and the readers; two anonymous inhabitants of the city. There is no fixed stage to engage with the content of we fell in love here.
Once placed, seeing the labels is being handed a sliver of information that has the potential to transform the space. Seeing, hearing, and smelling a site, and then knowing that there was love there. The project is not meant to produce masterful production of truth, it is about the coproduction between strangers. A questioning and querying of public space, determined by chance encounters between a sticker and a reader.

Without handing the reader a representation, they are given a space, sound, smell, air, and a single line of information. The stickers are not meant to transform public space but offer a reframing and reconsideration of it. The simplicity of the text and plainness of the sticker asks not to own its placement, only to give a moment of reconsideration. The project is not about acknowledging the city as a loving space, or a space that incites love. In many ways it is entirely the opposite. Most cities are centred around the exploitative production of things, of having and working tirelessly to have.
 we fell in love here,
instead, is about knowing that love exists despite that, that these spaces are embedded with the possibility of loving, and through active remembering, they can be liberated.   





we said goodbye here

Medium: Photographic print on canon lustre paper in wooden frame

Edition: 1/1

Size: 31 x 22 cm

Year: 2023

Artist price: R2 000 (framed)

Colours of Compassion  | Thur, 28th November 2024  | Ten Bompas Hotel | Viewing from 3:30 PM | Bidding starts 6:30 PM


Michelle Giammartini at
WhatsApp/Phone at 083 325 2766.